To be transparent and provide clarity in a time of unease and uncertainty, we are publishing our COVID-19 procedures and sanitation plans for the 2020-2021 school year. Ivy League Kids will operate before and after school programs in schools and all-day programming at locations around the area. We appreciate your help keeping everyone at Ivy League Kids safe during the novel coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19 Procedures and Safety
- Students will need to wear masks at all times, outside of eating lunch or snack.
- During lunch and/or snack, students will need to be seated at least six feet apart.
- Temperature checks for students will be required at some of our locations.
- We will follow the procedures each school has set forth, but a good rule of thumb is any temperature reading 99.6 degrees or above constitutes a fever and that child cannot attend our program or school that day.
- Parents will be responsible for checking their children’s symptoms before dropping off in the morning. They will be required to sign a disclaimer upon arrival to an Ivy League Kids location, stating that they did in fact, symptom-check their children prior to drop-off.
- Any student that complains that they “do not feel well” or exhibits any symptoms of illness, needs to go home immediately.
- Isolate the child from the group at once and take their temperature.
- Contact that child’s parent(s)/guardian(s) and let them know that they need to be picked up from Ivy League Kids right away, regardless of temperature.
- Any student positive for Covid-19 will not be allowed back into their program until they have received a negative COVID-19 test result.
- We will contact all parents and staff at the location and alert them to the possibility of infection.
- Our staff at that location will need to be tested for COVID-19 immediately.
- If there is a spread of infection, that location would possibly have to close for a couple of weeks to ensure we stop the infection from spreading to others.
- Any Staff Member who exhibits symptoms or has a fever will be required to provide a negative test result or quarantine for 10 business days (two weeks) in order to return to work.
Increased Sanitation and Cleaning
We need to ensure that our spaces are as sanitary as possible for the safety of our students, staff, and their families.
- Every area needs to be cleaned and sanitized after each activity.
- This includes all equipment, chairs, tables, or anything someone may have touched in the process of the activity.
- Students will need to use hand sanitizer at the beginning and completion of each activity.
- Students will need to physically wash their hands prior to eating breakfast, lunch, or snack.
- It would not hurt to combine this measure with hand sanitizer, as well.
- All sites need to be fully sanitized at the completion of each day, including doorknobs, light switches, or anything that could have been touched during the day.
Ivy League Kids wants to keep all our our children, their families, and our staff members safe and we welcome your help to keep COVID-19 from spreading in our community.