Stony Creek Elementary Principal to Train Ivy League Staff in E-Learning Support
Ivy League Kids is committed to building a better e-learning experience for students. Being a before and after school program, this school year has forced our organization, staff and students to think outside the box to ensure we are meeting our families’ needs.

We are so excited to invite Principal Nicole Leggett of Stony Creek Elementary to provide our staff support and training on Wednesday, Sept. 16.
Principal Leggett has 18 years of experience in education: years as a middle school Spanish and Language Arts teacher, four years as an assistant principal, and eight years as both a middle school and elementary school principal. She lives in Palos Heights and has an eighth-grade daughter, Madeleine, who attended Ivy League when she was younger.
“My daughter loved her experience at Ivy League Kids and I’m excited to support them to better support our students,” Leggett said.
“Our district prides itself on cutting edge 21st Century learning practices and were one of the first in the area to pilot e-learning in January of 2019 with the polar vortex, making our plan well established when remote learning started in March of 2020.”
It is so important for us to have supportive school partnerships as we all navigate remote learning. And the hope is that we—Ivy League Kids staff, parents, students, teachers and school leaders—are now better prepared to support kids in their social, emotional, and academic growth during the pandemic.
For more information about the e-learning support and all-day programs we provide, please visit our website: